World Cup 9 / Latest wr table / Elma Online / mopolauta / Internal multi wr
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NickSuggestionDate addedStatus
Keexwrt edahl 08/04/18: Add links to target time recs to the target time table times26/12/24 - 08:01:36
PochoAdd: Percentiles liek "you are in top 10%" of times in Int01, or TT altogether. Also: nice graphs, perhaps heatmaps, or scatterplots like this site does for AOE ( - 06:56:32
SlaRead suggestios page :D22/08/19 - 08:53:05impassible
p-skriptUpdate file archiver! Can't up recs in .zip (2016 7-zip)21/07/19 - 07:11:01
Arzenik-show combined tt of separate nations28/12/18 - 10:43:24
Arzenik-button to dl all recs from a person28/12/18 - 10:42:59
tejdeprovements should just be ignored, instead of making TT worse14/08/18 - 12:34:06impassible
AndrYDont show breaks over59 in right coloumn. And to do possible to see history of breaks and int improvements.09/06/18 - 15:34:39
AndrYdelete bots, please16/05/18 - 16:58:46done
AndrYNiec suggestions, but who will do that all??15/05/18 - 23:49:51confirmed
TGRimo add to TT page the no. of finished ints lajk on avg tt page for mans to not go "wötefök xy has only xxtt her sach nub" but when they check his page they go "wötefök sö many wörld class tajms"24/04/18 - 03:38:39
edahl_add link to TT which lets you download all available recs from player12/04/18 - 08:27:55
TGRadd specific WR tables (11, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350) as users to compare to08/04/18 - 16:41:20
TGRadd an 5th column to kuski page where you can see position by every int pr and tt respectively08/04/18 - 15:08:51
TGRadd sla's suggestion but not strictly, only make it anoption for kuski08/04/18 - 15:06:20
edahl_option to order times by difference to target08/04/18 - 15:04:39
edahl_make download all target recs button08/04/18 - 14:54:34
edahl_make table with targets and links to recs08/04/18 - 14:54:20
edahlwhen you compare players, colour the difference depending on how big it is26/03/18 - 22:27:02
TGRchange "sumary" to summary 03/12/17 - 14:09:21
AndrYDon`t change elmastats.07/10/17 - 19:06:18
AndrYand me want to see table for each player, where he would see his places in top for each lev.12/01/17 - 21:40:57
SlaI know you wrote "orka work on site" but it is really coal and ill add more suggestions (so maybe one day you are inspired ;D): When comparing two TTs (Sla vs Player9), sort from higher to lower the differences between both tts.10/08/16 - 16:51:32
AndrYPls add zoom-in-zoom-out to TT-graphs. 01/06/16 - 21:45:44
slaQuick info on recs before downloading. For example: Upside Down 1.00.13: With long jump at end. Or something like that.18/01/16 - 22:18:19
Shcafnot correctly identifies the time when downloading replay + - 0.01 sec06/12/13 - 05:42:33
Madness[21:07:33] <@KOPASITE[]> 29. Bjenn [EF] 01:32,7105/05/12 - 18:20:22confirmed
Tigrototem already said, didnt see sry :) but consider it pls24/01/12 - 21:12:30
TigroMake shoutbox at each kuski/team site to comment his/its improvements, to praise him/them or sach24/01/12 - 21:10:26
LabsGive me 1billion dollars :*08/12/11 - 21:52:56
totemsome simple system of PM between kuskies, open or not, just a way to leav a message04/12/11 - 09:50:13
Mawanehi)13/09/11 - 04:19:59
FinManez make avg time lookign diff at full top10 table for better readability )))29/07/11 - 18:56:19
HospSL total times and stuff 23/06/11 - 11:59:49
Madnessremove "opera browser" link :)28/05/11 - 14:28:46done
KortsuRemove elma league link and add Master Cup 3 page link30/04/11 - 21:49:16done
FredrikGraph of team TT-improvements like on player stats22/01/11 - 22:12:45
FredrikMap of levels (dette er siste, nå skal jeg slutte å plage deg :P )21/01/11 - 21:46:57
Fredrikdownload best recs in all internals21/01/11 - 17:35:00done
Fredriksearch for rec(s) better than a spesific time or target21/01/11 - 17:29:24
Jonfredrik: auto-uploader.exe possibly instead19/01/11 - 20:37:43might be done
Fredrikmake site remember location of state.dat, and have button to simply reload, or use different file18/01/11 - 19:44:49impassible
FredrikA "teams" page16/01/11 - 22:22:56confirmed
PabNext target & Diff. next Total Times10/01/11 - 15:36:22
Mawanedownload all recs from palyer08/01/11 - 23:56:22might be done
Mawanelatests minute breaks on main page08/01/11 - 00:48:35done
Mawanelinkable banner to main page08/01/11 - 00:44:45done
Bludekauto-compare with people closest to your Total Time06/01/11 - 22:16:01
Albincategory for times worse than beginner target time05/01/11 - 02:27:36
Albineasier to see which times are links to recs05/01/11 - 02:22:59might be done
Louskuimprovement graph comparation03/01/11 - 19:57:12confirmed
Louskucolumn in times tab showing your position in each int03/01/11 - 19:52:07confirmed
Jonhow many wrs woud you have in table #00101/01/11 - 14:24:21confirmed
Jonemail notifications (wrs, spesific updates...)01/01/11 - 14:23:59might be done
Jonmerge state.dats01/01/11 - 14:22:15might be done
Jonsortable tables01/01/11 - 14:21:33might be done
Jonrec player01/01/11 - 14:20:30might be done
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